
Social Responsibility

Nutrioil Ética y Organización

Business Ethics and Organization

Ethics and the integration of principles within a corporate culture are paramount in Nutrioil S.A.'s decision making, maintaining a business approach based on values, which are reflected in all the actions of the organization. The company is governed by a series of ethical principles of strict compliance that throughout its short history has been able to extend to its entire structure and administrative, professional, technical and operational levels, ensuring the commitment of the good work of its employees.

The organization is managed and represented by a Board of Directors, the body through which decisions are made. The Board of Directors is made up of five members and their respective alternates, who were elected by the shareholders. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Director-Secretary and the rest are appointed as members of the Board of Directors, whose term of office is two years and who may be re-elected.

Likewise, all the actions of the organization in general are governed by an internal Code of Ethics that regulates the conduct and compliance with the functions of the Board of Directors, the internal bodies and the technical and operational professionals. It establishes the ethical standards that the Board of Directors and Senior Management must apply when adopting their functions, which are based on making decisions under principles and values of conduct and ethics, the institutionalization of ethical policies within the organization, maintaining ethics in social affairs, striving for excellence in business relations and decisions and promoting good internal relations, as well as encouraging employee loyalty and the adoption of good practices internally, establishing a framework for compliance with the duties of the employee but at the same time recognizing his or her rights.

Quality of working life

It encompasses all policies and practices related to labor and the promotion of transparent labor relations based on respect and professional ethics. It covers human management policies affecting workers such as compensation and benefits, professional career, training and development, working environment and conditions, health, safety and hygiene, gender diversity and equity, work-family balance, and concern for the worker and his or her well-being.

One of the fundamental pillars of the organization is its personnel, which is also governed by the Internal Personnel Regulations, which constitute the rules and procedures that govern employee relations, determining the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the employee and the employer. These regulations ensure that minors are not hired, that working hours are in accordance with current legislation, with the breaks and rest periods required by law, and that good facilities are provided for the use of personnel to ensure working comfort.

The regulations establish a preference for hiring local personnel. Most of the plant's personnel come from the area, thus fulfilling the objective of generating employment and progress in the German Busch Province.

Nutrioil Calidad de vida laboral
Nutrioil Compromiso con la comunidad

Community and stakeholder engagement

The actions carried out by Nutrioil S.A. seek to maximize the impact of the contributions to the region and the country, whether in time, resources, products and services offered, to improve the quality of life and the development of the area in which it operates. These go hand in hand with the vision, mission and objective of the organization.

The control of suppliers is carried out through the Internal Regulations for Contracting Works, Goods and Services to regulate the contracting processes and ensure the quality, efficiency and optimization of the same. As for raw material suppliers, we work with approximately 3,000 suppliers of soybeans; however, we maintain a policy of giving priority in the collection of grains to small producers through their subsidiaries and associations, in addition to offering them better conditions in terms of prices.

The company has an extensive agricultural extension program staffed by specialized agronomists who advise and accompany the entire soybean planting and harvesting process. In addition, productive credits with working capital financing are offered to encourage production and reward the trust of suppliers. The four storage silos are located in the different production zones of the department of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, with a storage capacity of 200,000 tons, providing a fast and efficient reception service according to the producer's needs.

The organization maintains an active presence in the community, participating in meetings in the municipality of Puerto Quijarro. It also provides the community, local government and civil society with contributions and sponsorships to promote sports, health, security, culture, education, institutional support, business support, among others.

Dredging and maintenance of the Tamengo Channel and construction of the Jennefer Port.

One of the most important activities undertaken by the organization and of greatest impact for the community, the German Busch Province, the region and the country has been the significant capital investment in the cleaning, dredging and extension of 3.2 km of the Tamengo Canal, from Central Aguirre to Puerto Jennefer. This project contributes to the development of Bolivian foreign trade, facilitating Bolivia's sovereign access to international waters through the Tamengo Canal, from Central Aguirre to Puerto Jennefer. This project contributes to the development of Bolivian foreign trade, facilitating Bolivia's sovereign access to international waters through the Tamengo Canal, which flows into the Paraguay-Parana waterway with access to the Atlantic Ocean, in addition to having all the environmental permits, registrations and licenses, complying with all the standards and legislation required for a sustainable investment.

The cleaning of the Tamengo navigation channel will enable the opening of new commercial ports for the export of products and iron ore. This work is of great relevance given our country's Mediterranean problem. The dredging comprises an area of approximately 200,000 m² of fluvial navigation channel and maneuvering docks.

The economic effort made by the company allows exporting and importing a greater quantity and diversity of products, not only from the company but also from third parties, contributing to the development of the region, the growth of foreign trade, and the generation of foreign exchange for the country.

The maintenance and use of the Tamengo Canal and the construction of the Jennefer Port not only offer an alternative for Bolivian foreign trade, but also have a positive environmental impact, since the volume of product loaded and transported on a barge is equivalent to transporting the same amount in 100 trucks by land, which contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

These consolidated investments are part of the new development pole of the Germán Busch province and will cover the urgent need to generate jobs that will activate the value chain in this province, contributing to the National Progress.

Nutrioil Dragado y Mantenimiento del Canal
Nutrioil Medio ambiente
